{{-- summernote editor --}} @php // make sure that the options array is defined // and at the very least, dialogsInBody is true; // that's needed for modals to show above the overlay in Bootstrap 4 $field['options'] = array_merge(['dialogsInBody' => true, 'tooltip' => false], $field['options'] ?? []); @endphp @include('crud::fields.inc.wrapper_start') @include('crud::fields.inc.translatable_icon') {{-- HINT --}} @if (isset($field['hint']))

{!! $field['hint'] !!}

@endif @include('crud::fields.inc.wrapper_end') {{-- ########################################## --}} {{-- Extra CSS and JS for this particular field --}} {{-- If a field type is shown multiple times on a form, the CSS and JS will only be loaded once --}} {{-- FIELD CSS - will be loaded in the after_styles section --}} @push('crud_fields_styles') {{-- include summernote css --}} @basset('https://unpkg.com/summernote@0.8.20/dist/summernote-lite.min.css') @basset('https://unpkg.com/summernote@0.8.20/dist/font/summernote.woff2', false) @bassetBlock('backpack/crud/fields/checklist-field.css') @endBassetBlock @endpush {{-- FIELD JS - will be loaded in the after_scripts section --}} @push('crud_fields_scripts') {{-- include summernote js --}} @basset('https://unpkg.com/summernote@0.8.20/dist/summernote-lite.min.js') @bassetBlock('backpack/crud/fields/summernote-field.js') @endBassetBlock @endpush {{-- End of Extra CSS and JS --}} {{-- ########################################## --}}